Just a witchy, hippie Mama and grandma - purposefully living in the mountains of Southeastern Oklahoma, healing from CPTSD, helping those who are voiceless find a voice, finding the words to talk about the things we don't speak of, finding hope and positivity. Just working on finding myself, after losing who I should have been in a world that didn't understand me in the first place.
Monday, February 2, 2015
Watch For My Second Book... Coming Soon!
Sunday, January 25, 2015
The Importance of Realizing Imperfections
You know, it always amazes me when others deem their lives to be much more important than the lives of others. I'm not talking about literal lives, as in living and breathing, the functioning of a human being. Not at all.
I'm talking about the daily act of living .. one's hopes, dreams, goals, doing that which you love or want. I'm talking a LIVING. But what astounds me the most, is the fact that so many people are preoccupied with their daily routines and their own wants and desires... which makes it difficult for us to actually SEE others and the struggles they go through.
Sure.. I have problems. Everyone does. But that doesn't mean that anything going on in my life is more important than what is happening with someone else. The truth is... we all struggle along and we all have demons to fight. Such is being human.
Instead of solely focusing on ourselves and our problems... perhaps it's time to focus on others and what they need to be happy and successful in life. This requires patience, intentionality and the desire to make a difference. Life isn't easy. Be the person who stays with a friend or family through the hard times and express empathy and caring for someone else and the struggles they face.
Live life as if today were your very last day and just keep putting one foot in front of the other.
Monday, January 5, 2015
Life and Love
Here's what I've learned about life and relationships. Whether it's a significant other, parents, friends, kids, etc... relationships are unpredictable. You never know for sure what's going to happen, no matter how committed you might be to a person or that relationship. The truth is, you cannot control anything or anyone else... you're wasting your time trying. I don't think the solution to this is to avoid loving to avoid being hurt... I think that all we can do in this life is to love the best we can, even when it results in us being hurt. Through pain comes personal growth... even if it's at the temporary cost of our sanity and our heart. We almost always heal from heartache.
If you close your mind, heart and spirit to love and the experiences that come with it... you'll never be able to love fully, openly and honestly. But, it scares us to be that vulnerable to another person. Yep. We would rather judge another or express our disappointment in someone else's flaws by turning our backs on them or shutting them out... but why? Because it's "easier." Well, the truth is, it's NOT.
I don't want to go through life the easy way (obviously, one can tell that about me just by my choices I have made... I didn't pick the easy route. haha), I want to go through my life and live to the fullest, with the most experiences and the most depth possible... even if I get hurt. I'd rather experience both sides of love and loss than to never know love or happiness. And I think the biggest mistake we can make is to reach the END of our lives with REGRET. Love, be honest and live your life on your own terms... take risks, you might be surprised what you gain and learn from even losses. DON'T be afraid!
Friday, January 2, 2015
Rough Beginnings to 2015
I’m a Terrible Blogger!
Actually, I pretty much just let life and my depression take over me for awhile. So I stopped writing. What a shame it is that the times w...
I have had a recent epiphany. After several months of stress and many unexpected changes, I've found myself in the position of finally n...
Almost two months ago, I hit the reset button on my life. I left the town I'd been living in for almost three years, quit a job I'd...
Divorce is extremely difficult, even without children. But if you have kids, it's even more difficult. Many divorced parents don't ...