I have finally finished my first book, The Truth About Life: Life Lessons from Rock-Bottom. I'm quite pleased with myself. It has taken me such a long time to finish it and get around to completing the editing of it. But, once I got down to business and began working on it seriously, it didn't take me nearly as long as I expected it to.
Even if it turns out to be a "flop," at least I can add it to my list of things I've accomplished. So, I'm happy about that. I am still trying to figure out KDP Select and trying to figure out a way to offer the book for free for a few days, but I am struggling with figuring that out. But, just as soon as I figure it out and get it done, I'll be sure to let you all know!
If you're interested in my book, you can find it on Amazon:
The Truth About Life: Life Lessons From Rock Bottom
And please, if you do read it, please leave me a review or some type of feedback. I want to get better with my writing and I want my writing to be something that is appealing to people, I have a lot to say and just need to know how to say it!
Have a wonderful rest of Saturday everyone!
Even if it turns out to be a "flop," at least I can add it to my list of things I've accomplished. So, I'm happy about that. I am still trying to figure out KDP Select and trying to figure out a way to offer the book for free for a few days, but I am struggling with figuring that out. But, just as soon as I figure it out and get it done, I'll be sure to let you all know!
If you're interested in my book, you can find it on Amazon:
The Truth About Life: Life Lessons From Rock Bottom
And please, if you do read it, please leave me a review or some type of feedback. I want to get better with my writing and I want my writing to be something that is appealing to people, I have a lot to say and just need to know how to say it!
Have a wonderful rest of Saturday everyone!