Showing posts with label poverty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label poverty. Show all posts

Friday, February 23, 2018

Why a Box of Food Won't Replace Foodstamp Benefits

Okay. So. For the many of you out there who think that giving families boxed and canned food of the government's choosing to replace food stamp benefits is a great and wonderful idea - let's be completely realistic.
Why? Because the problem isn't providing people with inexpensive food to fill a need. That's an excuse the elite are using to justify further punishing those who dare to be lower class and lower income than themselves.
Implementing a program to distribute food to food stamp recipients and cut funding is absolutely asinine and completely just not going to work. It's just another example of how off kilter our society is... it's another war between the haves and have nots.
The cost of implementing a program like this would probably cost double to triple what current benefits are being distributed. It will be inconvenient. They'll have to implement measures to prevent fraud, open new agencies or departments to implement and maintain said program, as well as make sure they aren't taking current needed benefits away from those who truly need the assistance.
And guess what? It won't solve the problem, all the "fraud." There are always going to people who are going to game and fraud a system in place. Always. That's a part of our society that won't change. So there is absolutely no point in replacing a flawed but fairly effective system with another flawed and less effective system.
Very few people who are receiving food stamp benefits are unemployed,  very few are committing fraud, there are very few who are doing drugs. Most are hardworking, employed members of society who have families and they have the audacity to be poor.
People who constantly talk about the so-called lobster and steak buyers that they claim to have personally seen in the grocery stores, please, do us all a favor. Sit down and hush!
Yes, there are going to be people committing fraud... report them! But, I know that there are many who are simply working hard, still need a little help and they have as much right to be able to feed their families as anyone with more money who doesn't need the help.
Why is our society so willing to fight over FOOD, A basic human right and necessity?

Sunday, February 18, 2018

The Government Wants to Give Foodstamp Recipients a Box of Food, With a Catch!

The United States Government has decided that it's time to reform the SNAP Program. Known as "food stamps," the Supplemental Nutrition Assistant Program has long been under fire as being a form of "welfare," with many opponents of the program arguing that SNAP is just another over -budget program that is being exploited by those committing fraud to receive benefits.

So, there are some in government who have proposed giving recipients a box of of food each month while slicing monetary food purchase benefits by half of their current rates. They are suggesting this would be a cheaper option that would better help recipients than the ability to purchase their own food with their own and their family members' dietary requirements and desires in mind.
Many, who are unfamiliar with the program, current struggles in the low and middle income bracets, are arguing that this is just the boost that our government budget and national economy need to help force those who need assistance to get off their collective rear ends and stop being a leach on society and find gainful and profitable employment.
This entire idea and mindset needs to stop. Cutting SNAP benefits in half and giving people a box of food as a replacement won't help anything in the long run and it will just get worse.
 As with any program, there are people who abuse it out there... but those are really fewer and further between than what everyone thinks. And it's absolutely asinine to think this would help anything.  The cost of implementing this and maintaining it would cost more than the little bit of fraud that is actually currently committed.

And before anyone starts on the bandwagon of "Maybe people will get off their asses and get jobs" - most people who receive SNAP benefits actually DO work and STILL don't make enough to be able to feed themselves and their families without assistance.
Yes, even the ones who pay taxes and don't get tax refunds back. It's amazing to me that in today's society, even double minimum wage can barely be a liveable wage for anyone, even a single person,  let along families with children. And if you do happen to be one of the unfortunate ones who are disabled,  and find yourself living on disability,  you might be faced with living on one half to two thirds of the income that you would earn on MINIMUM wage.
Those who earn a "middle class" income can easily find themselves with no money for food, depending on the cost of living in their area, job benefits or lack thereof, such as insurance or medical care, a loss of income, a death of a partner, divorce, etc. Should they be penalized for not having enough for food less than those who live in true poverty?
Yes, our government welfare and social programs need to be changed and overhauled. But not at the expense of their own beneficiaries, especially those who need the assistance. And just because someone is poor, does not and should not mean that they deserve less quality food or less food than another person. Food is a basic human right and necessity. Taking food from people who need it, doesn't serve those who don't need it, except to take away their own humanity and compassion.

I’m a Terrible Blogger!

 Actually, I pretty much just let life and my depression take over me for awhile. So I stopped writing.  What a shame it is that the times w...