Showing posts with label tornado. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tornado. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

One Year After the Tornado

Well, it's been a year since our world was turned upside down and life as we knew it ended. I can think of nothing in my life that has affected me or my family as drastically as the May 20th, 2013 tornado in Moore, Oklahoma. In a single instant, due to circumstances beyond our control and a natural disaster, our way of living was destroyed and our city was destroyed.

The outpouring of love, support and emergency efforts from not just our home state, but our country and even the world was amazing. It was awesome to see that there were so many people out there who cared about us and others who lost their homes and way of life. Those emergency support efforts were very much appreciated, not just by us, but by everyone affected by the tornado.

While my children and I didn't lose our home specifically, we lost almost everything inside, our vehicle was ruined, and the kids' school was demolished. My children lost classmates and friends, which has proven to be devastating. Due to the tornado making our home unlivable due to water damage and wind damage, we have relocated from Moore to Oklahoma City and then, finally, to Edmond, Oklahoma.

It has been a year of adjusting and healing. I know we're not completely there and I know we have a long way to go, but we are slowly finding our way and we are finding some semblance of normal again. We continue to keep all of the victims in our thoughts and prayers and we continue to hold hope for the full healing and recovery of Moore and those affected.

I feel like my kids and I were blessed and lucky beyond belief, and we have a chance to live our lives fully and with light and love. When you go through something traumatic and devastating, it's important to realize that you need to live life to the fullest and to take every chance you can to enjoy life.

Finding joy in the smallest things and choosing to make each moment count is the most important thing anyone can do. Going through something terrible and fearing for your life is one way to ensure that you don't waste your life. So, a year after May 20th, I am thrilled to be alive and I am so thankful to be given the chance to live life to it's fullest.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Thank-you From Tornado Victims

On May 20th, 2013, our lives were changed forever as a tornado ripped through our town and devastated our homes, our families and our schools. Many of us lost almost everything, some of us lost everything, some lost loved ones. There were many who stepped in and brought us hope in wake of the devastation in our lives. The donations of clothing, were put to very good use. The donations of gift cards helped us to get the things we needed to replace and enabled us to put whatever cash we had towards the things we needed in the immediate.

All of us send out a heartfelt thank-you. Not simply for the donations of clothing, gift cards or other "things," but also for the hope that was sent with it. In the midst of a disaster, it can be extremely difficult to know which direction to turn, what step to take next or how to cope. Simply knowing that there were people who cared about us and were willing to put forth their time, effort and money to help total strangers brought a sense of hope and a sense of peace.

Thank-you all so much for all of the love and support that was sent along with your donations and your time. Because you not only helped us to move forward, you reminded us that we are not alone. Which is just as important as any tangible item or financial assistance that can be provided. Simply having someone to talk to after the disaster was a big help.
The volunteers from Red Cross and Salvation Army were absolutely wonderful... Bringing us snacks, bottled water and Gatorade, along with hot meals. These people worked tirelessly while we worked on cleaning up and getting ready to move forward, providing nourishment, emotional and mental support, and they can never be thanked enough.

I’m a Terrible Blogger!

 Actually, I pretty much just let life and my depression take over me for awhile. So I stopped writing.  What a shame it is that the times w...