Saturday, August 24, 2013

On Birthdays and Such

So, today is my thirty-first birthday.

I was almost a little bummed about it, but, realized that really, it doesn't matter. We all get older and there's no point in getting depressed about it.  Life is what we make it. The life we get, the more we learn - hopefully - and the more enjoyment we get out of life.

I would like to think that the lessons I have learned have made me stronger and made me a better person. Anyway, I'm wondering now... what will the next thirty-none years of my life bring?

Monday, August 12, 2013

Day 1 of Green Smoothies

This is my "breakfast" this morning. If you've been following me on Bubblews, you know that I'm starting on doing Green Smoothies today. This is my first one. Progress has been made.

I will be making a more in-depth post about Green Smoothies later, so stay tuned!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Getting My School Books Tuesday

After a rough first two semester in school, surviving a tornado and then taking a "break" of sorts over the summer, I'm finally a week away from my first day of classes for this semester. I'm going to get my books Tuesday. Let me just say, I'm super-excited!

I made some decisions over the summer and have changed my major from Nursing to Psychology. I think it will be a better fit for me career-wise and also just simply for the coursework required. Yep, I admit it, I'm not really scientifically inclined, not on the level necessary to make it through Nursing School. :)

All of my classes for this semester are online, due to transportation and child care issues and just for the convenience factor, since my days are so hectic as it is. Which in a way, makes me really happy, because it's a bit less stressful. But also, kind of sad, because I really enjoyed sitting through lectures and getting to know my classmates.  Maybe next semester.

Anyway, so I'm getting my books Tuesday. The kids and I are a week away from the first week of school. Yay! :)

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Book Update # 2

Making progress with my first manuscript, but it's slow-going as I go back to do some basic editing and proof-reading. I am a little frustrated. Maybe the frustration will pass and I will honestly feel as though I am making progress soon.

I think I am a bit overwhelmed with life right now and have set some unrealistic goals. Only time will tell. I guess I am being a bit hard on myself. And of course, no one is a worse critic to ourselves than we are. I often wonder if anyone is even remotely interested in anything I could have to say. That's probably due to my own insecurity.

Life is funny like that. We spend a large part of our lives semi-afraid to move forward due to fearing mistakes or criticism. I think that what I am doing is good and I think that the book I am currently working on will actually be helpful to SOMEONE out there, but I hate potentially facing rejection.

But, onward I go and I WILL publish this book, because it's a goal I've set for myself that I am GOING to finish! :)

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Keeping Touch With Friends

So, recently, I've gotten back in touch with friends I haven't spoken to in months, in some cases, even years. It's been an interesting few months around here. There are those friendships that last through anything and then end abruptly, there are those that don't last a season, there are friendships that remain the same forever and then some are the same even when you aren't in contact regularly.

How many of you out there have friends whom you have known for years, that you may not talk to regularly, a lot of time can pass by, but the friendship hasn't changed when you do get back in touch? For myself, this has been the case with a few of my closest friendships. And those are the people I know I can trust 100%, no matter what.

I think it's always a good idea to stay in touch at least somewhat regularly with close friends, to at least keep up with one another's contact information, should something happen. But close friendships can sometimes be better than family, those friends may end up being your anchor during rough storms in life. You never know.

Two of my closest friends I met during my ex's first deployment, these two ladies helped me get through a lot and vice versa. One of them was also a military wife, one was not. Do I talk to them regularly? Not so much anymore, mainly due to life getting in the way, but I know if I need something that I could call either of them and they'd be there. And they know the same of me.

True friendship is a blessing, there's no worry about back-stabbing and you trust implicitly if you are actually close friends. A close friend is usually closer than a sibling. Cherish those friendships and make the extra effort to stay in touch.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Thank-you From Tornado Victims

On May 20th, 2013, our lives were changed forever as a tornado ripped through our town and devastated our homes, our families and our schools. Many of us lost almost everything, some of us lost everything, some lost loved ones. There were many who stepped in and brought us hope in wake of the devastation in our lives. The donations of clothing, were put to very good use. The donations of gift cards helped us to get the things we needed to replace and enabled us to put whatever cash we had towards the things we needed in the immediate.

All of us send out a heartfelt thank-you. Not simply for the donations of clothing, gift cards or other "things," but also for the hope that was sent with it. In the midst of a disaster, it can be extremely difficult to know which direction to turn, what step to take next or how to cope. Simply knowing that there were people who cared about us and were willing to put forth their time, effort and money to help total strangers brought a sense of hope and a sense of peace.

Thank-you all so much for all of the love and support that was sent along with your donations and your time. Because you not only helped us to move forward, you reminded us that we are not alone. Which is just as important as any tangible item or financial assistance that can be provided. Simply having someone to talk to after the disaster was a big help.
The volunteers from Red Cross and Salvation Army were absolutely wonderful... Bringing us snacks, bottled water and Gatorade, along with hot meals. These people worked tirelessly while we worked on cleaning up and getting ready to move forward, providing nourishment, emotional and mental support, and they can never be thanked enough.

Monday, August 5, 2013

It's Monday Again

Well, Good Morning Everyone, it's Monday again. Why does everyone seem to hate Monday so much? Is it due to (typically) it being the first day of a work week? Is it because most of us hate going back to work after relaxing for 2 days? What is it about Mondays that just tend to make people cringe?

Regardless, today is Monday. The kids and I have stuff to get done, but we aren't overwhelmed with an excessive amount of activity. Just some grocery shopping and a doctor's appointment for my 8 year old son. We may meet up with an old friend we haven't seen in a few years, that would be nice. I really hate losing touch with those I love.

So, as I journey through today, I will keep in mind a quote I read last night;
“Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul
And sings the tune without the words
And never stops at all.”
Emily Dickinson

With this in mind, I offer to all of you the gift of hope today. Hope that your day goes well, hope that whatever difficult thing it is that you're struggling with will be resolved, hope that you feel hope in yourself and your future as you travel along today's path.

Happy Monday Everyone!

Friday, August 2, 2013

Book Update #1

It looks as though I will be getting my first book published sometimes in January 2014, as I am not having as much time as I anticipated to be able to work on it. I am having trouble with proof-reading and making sure that the format is correct for publishing for Kindle.

I am thinking that it was very unrealistic of me to expect to have all the bugs worked out and have a manuscript I am happy with before December, let alone TWO. So, back to basics I go. I will continue to post updates and I will be posting a brief description of my first book within a week.

I am also spending a little more time writing for various websites right now, because I am hoping to earn a little more cash to put toward my schooling and other expenses for this semester. I'll keep you all posted!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Grocery Shopping and Coupons

So, today I went to the grocery store and spent $98.92, after coupon savings. I bought milk, eggs, margarine, bread, snacks for the children, cereal, yogurt and various other things that we always seem to run out of between large shopping trips.

My total in coupon savings was $12.94, which means I saved roughly 12% on my total. I am not overly impressed with the total, but still, any savings is better than none at all.

A word about coupons, though. Using coupons can actually save you a great deal of money off of your grocery bill, but only in a few cases. Usually, coupons are for name-brand, higher priced items anyway. If you don't already purchase these brands, then you won't really save money.

If you don't already purchase these items anyway, wait for sales and know your prices. Sometimes, you can find a name brand item on sale, plus use a coupon and find that it works out to be cheaper than the store or generic brand.

Any time you are trying to save money when shopping, do your homework, know your prices and watch sales. Don't buy something simply because you have a coupon for it, that's not really saving you any money. It all goes back to paying attention to what you do with your money.

And be realistic. Often we see someone who has saved an almost obscene amount off of their grocery bill by using coupons (50-75%), but what you don't see is the fact that most shopping trips like that are planned carefully, for weeks in advance and that those kind of savings are not the average for that person.

Being realistic, saving when you can and living frugally can be difficult, but almost anyone can do it by simply paying attention.

I’m a Terrible Blogger!

 Actually, I pretty much just let life and my depression take over me for awhile. So I stopped writing.  What a shame it is that the times w...