Showing posts with label work. Show all posts
Showing posts with label work. Show all posts

Friday, July 25, 2014

ChatAbout: A Fun Place to Hang Out

I joined ChatAbout several months ago, then proceeded to not really do much of anything on there until recently. I have been absolutely amazed at how much fun ChatAbout is! ChatAbout has a great administration team, they pay rewards out very quickly and it's really great getting to know other members and see everyone else's viewpoints on everyday topics.

In case you don't know what ChatAbout is, it is a website in which you earn points for chatting, posting articles and reviews, commenting on news articles and pictures, taking surveys, etc. There are even sections to listen to music or watch videos to earn points. I'm sure that I'm forgetting a few other features or sections, but you really should check it out.

Since I joined ChatAbout and began participating, I have been pleasantly surprised to  find that there is plenty to do to keep you busy on the site, interested and engaged with it, and the points add up pretty quickly. I would recommend ChatAbout not only for earning the points - which is more like a bonus for me - but also for the participation in a friendly and positive online community.

At ChatAbout, there's quite literally, something for everyone. Almost everyone there is nice and friendly, discussions stay friendly and if something unsuitable pops up, admins handle it right away. If you want to earn a little bit of points for cash or prizes, make new friends and discuss topics that interest you, then ChatAbout is the place to be.


Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Compassionate Care at The End of Life

I work in the healthcare field. Although I am not a nurse or even a nurse's aid, I deal with patients on a daily basis. All of my patients are elderly. In my job, we call these patients "clients." The thing about it is, I'm not sure that is an entirely accurate term. I can understand from a business or financial point of view that the patients are, in all actuality, clients.

But, I feel like using the term "client" is a way of dehumanizing the patient and also a way to distance the healthcare workers from the people they care for. I can't help but feeling that this is wrong. The end of one's life should be a time where one is celebrating their life and accomplishments, they have lived and learned, earned the respect of others and they should GET that consideration and respect.

Caring for an elderly person can be more difficult that dealing with a child. It isn't that the elderly person is child-like or "immature" it's that we often forget that the elderly are adults and that they have earned the right to respect. Often, caregivers become impatient with those they are caring for, they suffer from stress and burnout themselves, and so they end up becoming indifferent to those that they care for. This is so wrong.

The elderly deserve respect, consideration and compassionate care. It can be difficult for those caring for them to remember that these are people who have lived long lives, have worked for what they have and that many times, the person they are caring for gets just as frustrated with themselves as the caregiver gets with them.

Imagine living your life independently and then slowly or even suddenly, becoming unable to do basic things for yourself. It can be difficult to remember that the elderly have gone from being perfectly capable of caring for themselves and even others, to having to rely on others for basic needs. It can become all too easy to forget that the person we are caring for is just as frustrated as we get, that this person can become confused and that they are often struggling with depression.

It's important to care for the elderly, especially when they are seriously ill or suffering from a debilitating condition such as Alzheimer's or dementia, with as much compassion, empathy and respect as possible. I know that care-giving can be difficult and stressful, perhaps even depressing, but it's important to remember that you play an important role in this person's life and that they are relying on you - whether they want to or not.

Elder care can be demanding and stressful. And while it may be tempting to distance yourself or attempt to remain indifferent to your patient, I really feel like it is important to connect on a human and emotional level with the person(s) you are caring for. If you distance yourself from your patients, it can be difficult to meet their needs. Just make sure to also care for yourself while caring for your patients. But don't attempt to keep your distance.

You are meeting far more than physical needs - many elderly people are lonely, scared, depressed, etc - a compassionate caregiver who has connected can make a world of difference in the quality of life for an individual who is at the end of their life.

I currently care for two lovely elderly women. One is suffering from Alzheimer's disease and dementia and the other is suffering from congestive heart failure. Both of these women are very special and very dear to me. I know at some point, I will lose them. And I will mourn that loss. But I also know that I am a better person for having met them and being a part of their lives, I have learned so much from both of them. They are not only my patients, but my friends.

Good Morning, Everyone!

I hope each and every one of you had a good night's rest and that you are ready to face the day with positivity and energy. I am sort of dragging along today, but that's primarily because I stayed up too late writing last night.

I need to keep a better handle on my schedule and try a bit harder to maintain a better routine for myself, so I can be a more effective mother, partner and employee. Not to mention, all the other roles I play in my life. I'm in a weird place right now mentally and emotionally. Not a bad place, just weird.

Feeling like everything is a bit surreal right now. I'll explain later. Just thought I'd take a break from work for a second.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Goodnight World

Well, it's been a crazy few days. Between an impromptu road trip to go and get my daughter from her dad's house 700 miles away, driving back, trying to catch some sleep, settle my daughter back in and then work, I'm completely exhausted. I spent this evening trying to catch up on some writing and I've ended up sitting here far longer than I intended. I'm going to be very tired tomorrow.

So, since I'm already up past the time I probably should have been and I DO have to work tomorrow, I guess I had better go to bed. I still feel like I haven't gotten as much accomplished as I wanted to, but I'm going to work on my schedule and routine tomorrow and see what I can get done. If I go to bed as soon as I finish this post, I should get enough sleep to get me through tomorrow.

Goodnight World, Goodnight Everyone! Sweet dreams. And remember, tomorrow is another day, another chance. Always keep hope and live with light and love.

I’m a Terrible Blogger!

 Actually, I pretty much just let life and my depression take over me for awhile. So I stopped writing.  What a shame it is that the times w...