Showing posts with label circle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label circle. Show all posts

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Chances or Choices?

Are you where you are in your life due to chances or choices? If you have to stop and think too hard about the answer to this question, perhaps you are not ready to live a life of authenticity with light and love. I'm not intending to sound harsh or as if I know everything, because I certainly don't know everything, but there is a certain level of self-awareness and self-honesty that is required to admit that a lot of things in our lives is due to choices of our own making.

When we can stop and be truly honest with ourselves and admit that we've made some not-so-great, even BAD, choices, then we can stop blaming chance and blaming others for our problems and the struggles in our lives and move forward. There is a certain amount of chance in life, chance can sometimes cause some degree of difficulty in our lives. But when it comes to chance, even when we cannot control our circumstances, we still can control our reactions or choices that result from chance events.

So, are you living a life of chance or choice? Do you feel like your life is beyond your own control? Or are you in control of your circumstances? When something happens that is beyond your control, do you make choices or do you simply throw your hands up and say "there's nothing I can do" and just let things happen? I beg of you, choose to live a life of choice. Allow no one and nothing to control you or your life, don't sit and wait for things to change, make the choice to change things yourself. And keep moving. 

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Keeping Touch With Friends

So, recently, I've gotten back in touch with friends I haven't spoken to in months, in some cases, even years. It's been an interesting few months around here. There are those friendships that last through anything and then end abruptly, there are those that don't last a season, there are friendships that remain the same forever and then some are the same even when you aren't in contact regularly.

How many of you out there have friends whom you have known for years, that you may not talk to regularly, a lot of time can pass by, but the friendship hasn't changed when you do get back in touch? For myself, this has been the case with a few of my closest friendships. And those are the people I know I can trust 100%, no matter what.

I think it's always a good idea to stay in touch at least somewhat regularly with close friends, to at least keep up with one another's contact information, should something happen. But close friendships can sometimes be better than family, those friends may end up being your anchor during rough storms in life. You never know.

Two of my closest friends I met during my ex's first deployment, these two ladies helped me get through a lot and vice versa. One of them was also a military wife, one was not. Do I talk to them regularly? Not so much anymore, mainly due to life getting in the way, but I know if I need something that I could call either of them and they'd be there. And they know the same of me.

True friendship is a blessing, there's no worry about back-stabbing and you trust implicitly if you are actually close friends. A close friend is usually closer than a sibling. Cherish those friendships and make the extra effort to stay in touch.

I’m a Terrible Blogger!

 Actually, I pretty much just let life and my depression take over me for awhile. So I stopped writing.  What a shame it is that the times w...