Showing posts with label do something. Show all posts
Showing posts with label do something. Show all posts

Monday, July 15, 2019

The Things We Ignore

Whenever you know that someone is abusive to someone else, that they are harming others, you are just as culpable in the abuse if you don't speak up or attempt to stop them. Yes, the blame for abuse should always lie with those that abuse... but those who know and attempt to do nothing, are just as responsible as those who are actively committing the abuse.

Abuse of another person, in any shape or form, is a crime. If you don't speak up, if you simply ignore it or "don't want to get involved," you are choosing to allow the abuse to continue, and that is just as much a crime as the abuser is committing.

Every single person on this planet deserves to live a life of peace and happiness, to live in safety and freedom. NO ONE deserves to be harmed or abused. We all have an ethical and moral responsibility to speak up and make attempts to stop abuse when we see it.

For those that would argue that if someone is being abused, they should just "leave" ... it's never that simple. Someone being abused is in fear, they have been emotionally and mentally beaten down, their abuser has convinced them that they can't live without the abuser or that they will be unable to survive without the abuser. The average victim of domestic violence leaves about 7 times before they are finally able to leave their abuser completely.

And then there are children in abusive situations (often one parent is also being abused by the other... in some cases both parents are abusing the child/children)... they can't simply leave the situation and outside intervention is vital and necessary. Don't simply stand by or shake your head and act like there's nothing you can do. Speak up. Refer the situation to the proper authorities with any evidence you might have.

A final word: Verbal abuse is just as damaging, if not more so, than physical abuse. Speak up. Don't let it slide or act like it's no big deal. If you do, you're just as guilty as the abuser.

I’m a Terrible Blogger!

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