Showing posts with label publishing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label publishing. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Book Update: July 15th, 2014

Well, I didn't get my first book published last weekend like I had intended. Funny thing about making plans or setting goals, it's almost as if you're inviting the universe to crash your party and ruin your plans whenever you do this. I am not saying that you shouldn't make plans or set goals, but I am suggesting that you make sure and stay flexible, because if you don't, then you're going to crash and burn whenever something comes up.

And, indeed, something almost always, "comes up." Anyway, back to my book update. I'm getting excited, there is definitely an end in sight on my first book. If I can make the time for editing and finalizing, then I can probably get it published within the next two weeks. Since it is an E-book and for Kindle, publishing through Amazon, it doesn't need to be as long as a classic book or print novel. It's probably not going to be everyone's cup of tea, but it may help someone, which is my intention.

I finally did decide on a title for it, however. The title is going to be  "The Truth About Life: Life Lessons from Rock Bottom."  Yup. I suppose it isn't very original, but I am hoping the title conveys the meaning of the book and my intent. I don't know if I will leave the title at that or not yet, but I think it's definitely a good start. I'm hoping that my book is helpful to someone and I hope the message I am hoping to send out with my book is clear and graspable. 

Anyway, hoping for this coming weekend, if not, by the end of next week. But my new, unset goal, is just for the end of this month. Hey, it's a start and it's progress. 

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Book Update #3

Well, after a very stressful semester with school and struggling to juggle kids, home, schoolwork and writing, I didn't get nearly as much accomplished on either of my manuscripts as I would have liked. I've discovered something important - writing a book is no easy task! And I was very unrealistic to have set some of the goals I have for getting my books published.

That being said, even my blog posts have suffered. I would begin them, save the drafts and then simply forget to go back and edit and publish. SO. First things first. I might have my first book published sometime in March 2014. The other one is nowhere close to finished, so it will simply have to wait. I think a more realistic goal is to simply maintain my grades in school this semester and to make sure I write at least two blog posts per week and perhaps try for publishing on each of the writing sites I write for at least once a week.

In the meantime, working on a chapter a week for each book is probably a bit more of a realistic goal. I will let you all know how that works out. As you all know, sometimes, life gets in the way of life, despite our best intentions. 

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Book Update # 2

Making progress with my first manuscript, but it's slow-going as I go back to do some basic editing and proof-reading. I am a little frustrated. Maybe the frustration will pass and I will honestly feel as though I am making progress soon.

I think I am a bit overwhelmed with life right now and have set some unrealistic goals. Only time will tell. I guess I am being a bit hard on myself. And of course, no one is a worse critic to ourselves than we are. I often wonder if anyone is even remotely interested in anything I could have to say. That's probably due to my own insecurity.

Life is funny like that. We spend a large part of our lives semi-afraid to move forward due to fearing mistakes or criticism. I think that what I am doing is good and I think that the book I am currently working on will actually be helpful to SOMEONE out there, but I hate potentially facing rejection.

But, onward I go and I WILL publish this book, because it's a goal I've set for myself that I am GOING to finish! :)

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Publishing Through Amazon for Kindle

So as I am working on both of my book manuscripts, I find myself searching more and more for information about publishing through Amazon for Kindle. I am getting closer to my goal. At least ONE of my books will be published by Winter 2013/2014.

Which leads me to some issues. I'm really having difficulty understanding the formatting issues and wondering about pricing and marketing your book. Yep, pretty much all of it. Has anyone out there ever published through Amazon for Kindle? If you have, can you please share your experiences with me?

I know I will get it figured out, but with my new school semester starting in a matter of weeks, my kids getting ready for back to school and also trying to write for various websites to earn money, I am feeling slightly overwhelmed and feeling as though maybe I might have bitten off more than I can chew.

If anyone has any advice or input for me, I'd greatly appreciate it. Otherwise, I'm just very busy today, keeping up with kids, making sure the house is clean and trying to get some more writing done!

I’m a Terrible Blogger!

 Actually, I pretty much just let life and my depression take over me for awhile. So I stopped writing.  What a shame it is that the times w...